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8 Incredibly Large Christmas Decorations You'll Want This Holiday Season

8 Incredibly Large Christmas Decorations You'll Want This Holiday Season

Are you thinking about adding to your holiday decoration arsenal this year? Why not go big or go home (or even better, go big at home)? Large outdoor Christmas decorations are fun, unique and leave people talking about your holiday decorations for years to come. If you're a business owner, large commercial Christmas decorations are actual a fantastic marketing strategy because well, people talk about you and how awesome your decorations are. Word of mouth is still the most effective form of advertising that results in sales, so getting people to talk is what you want! Check out these ideas for commercial Christmas decor.

1. Giant Outdoor Christmas Trees

When you imagine giant Christmas trees, you probably think of the fun and magic that surrounds the tree at Rockefeller Center each year. New York City isn't the only place where a tall-as-the-skies holiday tree would be appreciated. Chances are, your town or city puts up a holiday tree in the town square or in front of the courthouse.

Large trees are also popular in mall shopping centers or even in private homes. Don't forget all the lights and ornaments (not to mention ladders!) you'll need for trees that large. A 20ft commercial tree can set you back almost $20K. If your pockets aren't that deep maybe consider a giant inflatable Christmas tree custom made by us!

2. Over-sized Christmas Ornaments

Who doesn't love a giant Christmas ornament or two? These popular commercial Christmas decorations pop up at malls and shopping centers all over the country and make a great backdrop for a quick holiday picture. If you're interested in over-sized ornaments as a decoration for your own home, you have a couple of options.

For those who prefer to take on DIY projects, over-sized Christmas ornaments can be made from simply spray painting the beach balls or bouncy/yoga balls you can find in the dollar store. Of course, there are plenty of options to purchase them on the internet if you prefer not to make your own. The vast range of sizes makes it easy to fit your personal style. Over-sized ornaments typically range from traditional ornamental balls that are 12 inches in diameter to oblong ornaments that can be as long as 100 inches.

3. Taller-Than-Life Nutcrackers

Did you love the magic of "The Nutcracker" as a child? If you spent hours watching this play as a child or try to get tickets to a performance every holiday season as an adult, why not add a bit of your favorite holiday tradition to your Christmas decorations? Sure, you probably don't have space for the 41-foot-tall nutcracker that graces Roseburg, Oregon, but there are plenty of other options for your home décor or your commercial holiday decorations. 

If you have limited space, you can find versions that stand at about 5 feet tall, making them the perfect height to feel large to guests but not overwhelm the rest of your outdoor decor. Of course, you can find taller nutcrackers if you need them. Plenty of commercial properties adorn themselves with versions that are 7, 8 or even 15 feet tall.

4. Giant Holiday Dancing Tube Men

You've probably seen them outside of cell phone providers or car dealerships: that giant inflatable tube man that sways and moves with the help of an air blower. Fun to watch and an whimsical addition to most holiday decorations, it's easy to see why air dancers are becoming more popular for commercial properties and residential ones alike. One that seems to be a particular favorite is the inflatable dancing Santa Claus, a decoration that climbs 15 feet into the sky before bouncing around in the wind. Of course, you can make it even more spectacular by adding a holiday music playlist for him to dance to. And if you don't have space for a  15' tall Santa Claus Tube Man? Don't worry! There are options as small as 6 feet that you can use at your residential property, and in addition to Santa, you'll find a snowman option.

5. Oversized, Animated LED Displays

LED rope lights aren't just for framing your windows or winding around your porch railings. These types of lights are available as parts of elaborate displays, such as elves with a giant stocking or Santa Claus and his reindeer. The lights create bright, modern-looking displays and can even be controlled to remain stationary or create the illusion of movement with blinking LED lights. If you aren't into the elves, that's okay. You can find these animated LED displays in a wide range of styles. Many choose the traditional options, such as Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer or a holly candle, but there is something for people who like to live a bit on the wild side, too. Show off your sense of humor by grabbing an LED version of Santa Clause riding a motorcycle.

6.Giant Christmas Inflatables

Who says your inflatable Christmas decorations need to move to a musical beat? If you prefer something more traditional, why not try a giant inflatable? Passersby won't be able to look away from the giant 15-foot inflatable on display. We can make any kind of inflatable you could want, custom made. Our pricing is more efficient than buying expensive huge pre-made fiberglass displays. A giant snowman would make a great winter display that would keep customers talking and even stopping to take photos! Just contact us about what giant inflatable you want custom made, we'll make it happen.

7. Santa's Giant Mailbox

Kids always wonder how Santa is going to receive their letters, and now you can tell them this his own, personal mailbox is right in your front yard. Standing at about 4.5 feet tall, Santa's mailbox is bright red, adorned with bells and even includes his initials. The gorgeous decoration may even get a few little hands pushing letters into it.

8. A True-to-Size Village

Everyone has seen Santa's Christmas village spread across Grandma's coffee table or mom's bookshelves during the Christmas season. Why name make your village bigger? If you are looking for holiday décor for your home, a true-to-size village works great in the front yard and may even make a fun play place if you leave a building or two open for the kids. Perhaps you own a commercial property. Using part of your parking lot as Santa's village gives people something fun to enjoy between shopping adventures. You might even consider having Santa himself show up.

The hardest part of choosing your business' outdoor Christmas decorations will be deciding whether you buy one, buy two or buy them all. If you intend to take giant decorations indoors, remember to measure your space first to prevent issues.

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